The Enneagram Course
I know your story.
It’s my story too. I couldn’t focus on the good.
Would you like to start taking control of the thoughts in your head and directing them towards something positive?
Do you wish that you could find and focus on the good things in your life?
When is it your turn to be able to find the silver lining?
I’m not a doctor but I’ve done a lot of work on my own attitude and outlook on life. I promise to share everything I’ve learned with you!
My name is LynnLee and I worked in a high stress and highly toxic work environment. I searched the job boards, cried in my car and sometimes the bathroom. I thought about leaving my dream job, but instead of running from it all, I figured out how to change it. But first I had to learn how to focus on myself.
Just one easy system changed everything.
First, let’s work on self-care.
This week, read through these blog posts and reply to this email to tell me what you think!
I was working in a toxic and stressful working environment. My managers seemed to only care about the bottom line and I was just another number on a spreadsheet.
The problem was everyone sucked!
That’s when I had my big “ah ha!” moment. I had to figure out why everyone around me was such an a-hole.
So I read a book called “The Asshole Survival Guide.” I felt a little less alone at that point but it didn’t arm me with what I needed to fix the problem.
Then I read another book called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck.” It really helped me to realize that there were things outside of my circle of control. I learned a lot about focusing more on myself, but it didn’t really help me understand others.
Next I read a book called, “7 habits of highly effective people.” That gave me a TON of useful tools for personal accountability which I would really need once I found the next thing.
Before I tell you about the next thing I discovered check out some of the videos I filmed about the books I’ve read!
The key to the universe
After reading a stack of books about personal accountability I discovered the tool the gave me the keys to the universe. It was thing that allowed me to see the world through the eyes of others.
What does a person fear?
What motivates people?
Where do people find joy?
When you need things from others in order to do your job, these are important things to know. See most of the resources out there they validate why toxic work environments and asshole bosses shouldn’t be tolerated. They commiserate with you. They cheer you on in your anger.
But they don’t make anything better.
If you’re lucky, you quit, and find somewhere without an asshole boss or coworker, but in all my consulting and mentoring I’ve never found a place without one.
The real problem.
Our society labels people and teams and creates us vs. them environments that just further the problems.
Once I started working hard to understand where the other person was coming from and how my personality either clashed or complimented theirs doors opened all around me.
I got a promotion, and job offers, and found joy in my job again. I made changes to the toxic work environment and ended up friends with my asshole boss.
I’m not alone, many people use the power of this tool to shape their world, improve relationships, and learn to have empathy for those who are different than them.
Finding this tool took me 7 years, 100’s of articles and books, hours of seminars and webinars, and lots of soul searching. It was painstakingly SLOW change. But I’ve created the Enneagram Amplified Course to save you that 7 years and 100’s of articles and books. In the Enneagram Course, I’ll share with you the most important things you need to know to get acquainted with yourselves and others.

The value of the enneagram course is immeasurable because it will provide you with the skills to read people and understand yourself which will open the door to countless opportunities. If I had to guess, using the Enneagram in my daily life is brought me a return in the $100,000 range.
You can get it today for $60. That’s right. $60.
So click on the link and get signed up to receive your keys to the universe.
You won’t regret it, but if you do I’ll give you your money back.