
What’s your well? 10 ways to recharge

Ever feel drained? Stuck? Exhausted? Tired? Yea, me too. Well you aren’t alone, we’ll give you 10 proven ways to refuel and recharge.

Guess what? You and I are perfectly normal, that happens sometimes and no one expects us to be endless reserves of new ideas and inspiration. 

That’s why you need a well. Multiple wells. You have to find a way to recharge.

You have to have somewhere to draw from, somewhere to pull inspiration from, something to help you fill up your bucket. 

So if you feel run down, here’s my top 10 list for where you could go when you need to recharge, refuel, refill. 

  1. Podcasts– no matter what topic you’re feeling less than inspired by, there are tons pf podcasts that might fit your needs. My favorites are “Entreleadership”, “Drinking from the Toilet”, Building a StoryBrand,” and “Zoologic”. In addition, I have my own sporadic podcast as well so search “Take your team and turn it up!” 
  1. Books– Finally now that my kids are getting to the slightly more self-sufficient age, basically I don’t have to wipe butts as often anymore. As a result, I finally have had the time to read again. In 2018 I read over 20 books and you can hear all about them here!
  1. Friends and family– Time with friends and family is always a good time to reflect and recharge, but I work really hard to make sure that my friends and family are positive and motivated. I want to make sure I surround myself with people that will keep me positive and focused. 
  1. Peers– I refuel nearly daily in a Facebook Messenger thread with two of my peers and friends. We share successes, complain, challenge each other, lift each other up, share ideas, brainstorm, and more. 
  1. Beers– So this isn’t my cup of tea, or glass of wine, but it works for a lot of people. 
  1. Blogs– There’s a few that I subscribe to but I end up reading lots of posts that friends share on social media and I’ll find a new way to explain something or a new way to think about things. Check out more from us by subscribing to our blog!
  1. Old videos and pictures– A picture is worth 1000 words is so true. Scrolling or flipping through old photos and videos can really light me up. 
  1. Vacations– Go somewhere new, explore something new, experience something new. OR head to an old familiar place that settles and calms you. Get inspiration by visiting a new place or another facility. I get lots of great ideas by visiting other facilities and watching other trainers. 
  1. Outside– Walking around in the grass barefoot under the shade of some big strong trees, laying in the sand with the ocean at my toes, or resting in a hammock next to a river or stream are some of my all time favorite things to do. It forces my brain to unwind, turn off, and allows me to recharge. 
  1. Movies– on the weekends if I watch a movie in the middle of the day it can literally feel like that day was split into two. Movies can take you away to somewhere new and allow you to get lost in someone else’s problem. So movies can be just the thing when you’re feeling drained or exhausted. 

So that’s it, that’s the top 10! What are your favorite ways to recharge?

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